Stefano Caglio



Just after turning 40, I turned another milestone: I decided to quit Companies in order to start a new path in the world of tesching at the beginning of Nov 2021. This decision can make one turn up one's nose: I consider it stimulating and extremely enriching.
I teach Computer Sciencein high schools: I was at Istituto Mosé Bianchi in Monza during school year 2021-2022, teaching in AFM (Administration, Finance and Marketing) and CAT (Buildings, Environment and Territory) for standard daily school as well as for evening school for adults and prison school. Many experiences with different people: I learn something from each of them!
I'm at Istituto Achille Mapelli in Monza for school year 2022-2023 and 2023-2024, teaching mainly to High School for Scientific Studies - Applied Sciences.
In addition to school courses, I had the pleasure of training teens and teachers on various platforms (like Arduino, mBot, Lego Spike) both internally and in other school thanks to the collaboration with Edulia - Treccani and taking care, among others, of the school website.
I started my collaboration with Istituto Rizzoli in 2021 as well.
In the last 3 years I held there Computer Sciences classes for the Graphic Operator course and more specialized classes for the IT Operator course: SW Lab, HW Lab and Electrical Lab.
I hold courses mainly covering Office package for private Companies through Istituto Rizzoli and thanks to the collaboration with CNOS-FAP.
2014 - 2021
I worked as Tech Manager for the Trotec Laser subsidiary in Italy. Beside all the management and other important parts of my job, including implementing new products and strategies, budgeting, team scheduling while using state of the art tools such as SAP and SalesForce, the most rewarding moments were when I can make people exclaim 💡I got it💡. A customer, a colleague, a trainee who can have an Eureka! moment and connect dots was what makes my day.
Going behind all the bells and whistles, back to the roots, to the very simplest and clearest concepts and ideas is what I believe is most needed.
If you can express yourself simply and clearly you can be understood. If you can be understood you are trustworthy. And this is a good environment to build good relationships, of any kind.
2015 - 2018
I owned Strawberry Fields Srl, where our focus is helping our customers in finding "Smart Business Opportunity" through strategic consulting and marketing and pre-sales automation tools.
I designed and implemented these tools which are covered by a patent request. One visible front end application of these tools is
Processes automation is the aim of these kind of tools. We are using technology so that all value chain actors, both customers and suppliers, can share knowledge to make better, faster and more clever choices and decisions.
2008 - 2014
While ending my MSc I started working in my family-run company, Porta & C., in order to develop the distribution channel of Trotec laser systems in Italy. Being a very small structure has its pros and cons. For sure some pros are important aspects which shaped my job too: flexibility, curiosity and fast error / learning and development process in all business area, from marketing to sales, from contents creation to customer support.
I was lucky enough to live those crazy years learning and rooting an even stronger human and working ethics despite the progress of a global economic transformation which led to the acquisition of Porta by Trodat-Trotec Group.
Being more technical-oriented, those years were a deep dive training into what's needed to run and get a succesful commercial business with sparkling creativity, limited resources and inspiring relationships.
2004 - 2009
MSc at the Politecnico di Milano with a major in space engineering. I developed my thesis about thermal, mechanical and electronics assembly, integration and verification (AIV) for Palamede, which is a micro-satellite class mission developed by Space Dept. starting from 1997, thus forerunning the actual trends and needs for small-sats in the space industry.
I also had fun creating the new Palamede website: it seems quite oldie now, but still functional!
2003 - 2006
I was part of the Thermal Dept. involved in thermal design and testing for preminent International Space Station missions (AMS-02 and EuTEF) as well as for satellite missions like German Army satellite constellation SAR Lupe at both system and sub-system level and at various phases of projects development.
This job led me to create, handle and study big data sets with the main aim for correlation and optimization of thermal models to tests results.
2000 - 2003
BSc at the Politecnico di Milano with a major in space engineering. This is where I first came in contact with actual space programs while working at my thesis as an intern for Carlo Gavazzi Space (now OHB Italia), developing system level thermal models for AMS-02.
AMS-02 is a state-of-the-art particle physics detector designed to operate as an external module on the International Space Station (ISS), where it was installed on 19-May-2011 by Space Shuttle Endeavour STS-134 specialists and where it's going to be until the ISS end of life thanks to maintenance and updated done mainly during 2019 spacewalks. It takes advantages of the unique space environment to study the universe and its origin by searching for antimatter and dark matter while performing precision measurements of cosmic rays composition and flux.
Flight is one of my biggest passions since I was a child! Despite my ophthalmologist always told me I would have never be a pilot, I got my ultralight pilot license back in 2002. Honestly I didn't kept it active due to personal reasons and right now is one of the item in the topmost part of my to-do (again) list! Technical aspects are important as emotional ones: both imply to look at the world we are used to from a different point of view.
The same reasons, along with the fact it's hard to me to sunbath for too long, led me scuba diving. Water, saltie or not, is such a different and beautiful environment! I fell in love so deeply that I attended all the courses until becoming a PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor in 2010. Even if my full time job left me short time for teaching people to go underwater and travelling, this is something important on the list too!
Running, trail running and trekking in our Alps or just strolling in the Royal Villa of Monza park delighted by colors of different seasons are all activities that free my mind and regenerate my body. Spending time surrounded by nature's colors and sounds (water sound is my favourite!) is an actual panacea to me!
I've been playing guitar since I was 10, starting with a 50$ classic guitar. Along the years, I moved to electric guitar and played in several bands: from the to most ironic to the heaviest, I always love to use heavy distorted sounds, playing with many pedals and dealing with my GAS. Even if I'm playing only in my house now, it's always a pleasure and a creative moment!
I have fun playing with electronics and microcontrollers like Arduino for DIY projects or supporting friends in prototipying products. Hereafter a couple of them. The first one is a modular structure for expositive spaces ceiling, Smart Pavilion designed by my friend Manuel Romeo for PhyCoLab (Physical Computing Laboratory) of Politecico di Milano. This structure is responsive to external environment (sun intensity and position) as well as people presence (tracking presence and position in order to obtain proper lightning). The second one is a project using piezoelectric materials from a renewable energy point of view.
Last but not least, my interest in finance. I started around 2014 using a fully discretional approach to investing and trading, switching over time to a more data driven and quantitative approach. This has led me to better understand markets like stocks, futures, currencies, cryptos and to deepen my knowledge in tools like R and Python. I know this is a very challenging and always changing world: I'm just scratching its the surface but it's rewarding in itself.

Many thanks to Andrej Karpathy for his website template!
I share his allergy to 500-pound websites: this one is responsive in just two static files.
Icons made by Freepik and iconixar from
[last update: July 2024]